This is my online presence and thoughts. Those that do not agree, need not apply.
relswick's Articles » Page 3
April 11, 2007 by relswick
So the underhanded Bank of America just decided to jack me around and up my interest rate to 24.99% from something like 14% and I was a pretty good customer for a year. Something like take it or leave it... well, I will NEVER do business with Bank of America again. some others (and I know there were more, but I forgot them and cannot find the paper I wrote their names on, hence this post) Comcast - about the worse damn monopolistic cable service out there. Besides their Customer Se...
March 16, 2007 by relswick
Of course the article means we are expanding and it is through this method, but what does that mean from a business financial standpoint for our future? What are some of your experiences with this and what other companies have done when they have announced this? Here is a snippet from the linked article... Thanks, Rich "Orion, MI, March 14, 2007–Cobasys LLC announced today that its owners, Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD Ovonics) (NASDAQ:ENER), through its affiliate Ovonic B...
March 2, 2007 by relswick
Okay, so this is quite a bit old, but still.... I don't think I blogged it last time... Saft, which is a French company will be supplying Lion Batteries to BAE Systems, which is one the biggest Miliatry Contractors out there to the US. I believe my company had bid on the project, but I have no idea really as I am not involved with either the bidding process or sales process. Either way, it is a bummer we didn't get in on this program... considering Cobasys after all is an American compan...
February 22, 2007 by relswick
Well, I wish I got the pay that went with being a rock star! It is one of the reasons I joined Cobasys back in 2001 (at the time Ovonic Battery Company). It was to work with new technology and be part of something that can help humanity as a whole. I could also at the time, honestly say I was one of probably less than 1000 people in the world working on this type of stuff. Now it is probably more like 10,000, but still when you consider that is out of the billions of people in the wor...
January 29, 2007 by relswick
So I am following this discussion over at Link , which a coworker showed me and I was wondering if anyone else out there, not from that site, thinks it is a conspiracy or not.
January 3, 2007 by relswick
Seems a lot of people might be having issues getting thier podcasts listed on the new beta test of Digg's Podcasts... especially those using Feedburner. Here is a work around you can try if you also have Libsyn. Make work for others as well... haha, well I just tried submitting my site address... My Podcast page - The Pain Bank and it worked out... even though the rss feed incorrectly pointed to on the next page. I then just hit the Add button and it submi...
October 25, 2006 by relswick
Are you looking for something free... on all the various city lists on well, here ya go, this website is pretty cool.
October 3, 2006 by relswick
With the debate for Governor of Michigan last night, this morning's news article highlighting a new Hybrid Energy Development center in Troy, MI will really help Granholm out. As one of the few American owned, operated and manufactured in the good ole US of A, Cobasys stands out as an achievement in Michigan. I joined the Ovonic Battery Company, when there were only about 6 engineers working on the system level design side of things and when we tranfered from Ovonic to the newly formed ...
October 2, 2006 by relswick
This comment from an email list I am on intrigued me: I would highly recommend "Broadsword and Singlestick" to anyone with an interest in the gentlemanly arts of self defence as they were practiced during the late Victorian era. Is there such a thing as a modern (might vary by country) gentlemanly art of self defense? Or has this totally gone by the way side? Fighting has not stopped, but the gentlemanly art perhaps has. Has society totally passed it by in the sense that this...
September 1, 2006 by relswick
Check out the Barefoot College. It is a new way of bring the old into the new and improving life around the world! Very cool!
August 25, 2006 by relswick
Well, not only do they waste time and tax payer dollars writing legislation that sucks, but then we have to pay again. The state of Illinois passed a law related to video games and when it is declared unconstitutional, the tax payers (State of Illinois) then has to pay for the legal fees associated with combatting this stupid unconstitutional law. here are the stories: Link and Link
August 25, 2006 by relswick
I enjoyed this National Sciene Geographic (NSG) TV show from a sceintific perspective. Very much fun, although I would have liked less commercials and more analysis on various techniques and weapon forms. New National Geographic documentary
July 6, 2006 by relswick
Hey I know, next missle launch North Korea does, why don't we test out our 'Star Wars' anti-missle defense systems and screw up their test while getting our own test data. Since it is real world, then it will be the best type of test data we could collect. Then again, the N.Korea missles only made it to the Gulf of Japan, so perhaps, if your a conspiracy theorist, the US did do just that and shot down their missles! hehehe go USA!
July 6, 2006 by relswick
That means that the prior limit of 55 or 65 (as they are upping the limit to 70 mph, had more than 15% of drivers on the road driving above the speed limit? well, duh! So they up and that means there will still be 15% driving above the limit? Hell, up it farther then and you won't have as many speeders.... wait, that would eliminate a whole chunk of public revenue... jeez
June 21, 2006 by relswick
Well, This article by the Detroit Free Press confirms the actions taken resulting from previous internal Ford memo made public. They are outsourcing more and more work to Mexico. Not like it isn't unknown, but now it is more public that it used to be. Way to go internet!