such that in the US consumer driven market, you decide you will NEVER do business with again? And WHY?
So the underhanded Bank of America just decided to jack me around and up my interest rate to 24.99% from something like 14% and I was a pretty good customer for a year. Something like take it or leave it...
well, I will NEVER do business with Bank of America again.
some others (and I know there were more, but I forgot them and cannot find the paper I wrote their names on, hence this post)
Comcast - about the worse damn monopolistic cable service out there. Besides their Customer Service sucks!
Ameritech - okay, so for one their prices are HIGH, not the sole reason I will not do business with them though. I had DSL once from them and whenever I tried Customer Service, well... NEVER again.
Verizon - I have them for my cell phone right, but I am not 100% happy with their very specific nature of operating, besides the 100% cryptic billing that they do. Probably leave them to go to one of the others out there, NEVER to return when my contract is up. Oh yea, they are pretty damn expensive compared to some others as well, since I suppose they are the biggest.
What companies do you hate? Only through mass customer movements do these LARGE companies operate.