This is my online presence and thoughts. Those that do not agree, need not apply.
relswick's Articles In Business
March 16, 2007 by relswick
Of course the article means we are expanding and it is through this method, but what does that mean from a business financial standpoint for our future? What are some of your experiences with this and what other companies have done when they have announced this? Here is a snippet from the linked article... Thanks, Rich "Orion, MI, March 14, 2007–Cobasys LLC announced today that its owners, Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. (ECD Ovonics) (NASDAQ:ENER), through its affiliate Ovonic B...
July 6, 2007 by relswick
So I read a blog about a couple of software products, which allow collaborative whiteboard usage. Maybe one day I can find a usage for this, but until then, what do you think of thse two products: Link Link
July 31, 2007 by relswick
This office will be announcing some of the future initiatives related to the Creative Industries in and around the Metro Detroit area. Look for some good things out of this office.
September 13, 2007 by relswick
The Detroit Metro area has been on the move the past couple of years trying to get with the 21st century and move beyond just the Automotive Sector. There are a LOT of high tech businesses and talent in the Detroit Metro area (Ann Arbor sort of included here) and there are a LOT of amazing people in the area doing some amazing things. Stardock is just one of those companies. Ever watch an automotive commercial on TV? A LOT of them are made right here in Detroit! Anyhow, take a look a...