This is my online presence and thoughts. Those that do not agree, need not apply.
costing us more taxpayer dollars
Published on August 25, 2006 By relswick In Gaming
Well, not only do they waste time and tax payer dollars writing legislation that sucks, but then we have to pay again.

The state of Illinois passed a law related to video games and when it is declared unconstitutional, the tax payers (State of Illinois) then has to pay for the legal fees associated with combatting this stupid unconstitutional law.

here are the stories:




on Aug 25, 2006
The idea being that it will tick people off enough that they'll make sure their representatives don't pull something like this again.
on Aug 26, 2006
It's a miracle how stupid these people are that get elected, how the hell do they get so much money to be able to finance a campaign then be the dumbest rejects on earth? My god, it boggles my mind.....I think they need to have a Politician hunting season.
on Aug 26, 2006
I am just glad Canada has not acted in this way. (Yet anyways) Stupid Conserative Goverment will more than likely think of something to mess with our right to decide for ourself and for our kids.
on Aug 26, 2006
It worse in Australia. Australia doesn't have an R18 rating for computer games so any game too adult for an MA15 rating is banned. That includes all the GTA games for instance.
on Aug 26, 2006
Could have been worse. They could have won.
on Aug 26, 2006
How come the tax payers have to pay for it? Why doesn't the government pay for it?


Yes, I'm joking, although I actually have heard people say that before, right before I imagined throat-punching them.

The idea being that it will tick people off enough that they'll make sure their representatives don't pull something like this again.

When was the last time someone's stance on video games was part of the political debate? It's not like politicians actually do what they say they'll do in the first place, either. You get to pick your own tyrant after they tell you what they think you want to hear. Unfortunately, majority rule is all about ruling the minority, and most people don't care about video games.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." – Claire Wolfe
on Sep 01, 2006
Many Empyrean, that is funny! Sad, but funny.

Yes, it could have been much worse, like No118 said, they could have won.