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Getting your Libsyn/Feedburner page up on Digg's new Beta pa
work around until they fix it
Published on January 3, 2007 By
Blog Communities
Seems a lot of people might be having issues getting thier podcasts listed on the new beta test of Digg's Podcasts... especially those using Feedburner.
Here is a work around you can try if you also have Libsyn. Make work for others as well...
haha, well I just tried submitting my site address...
My Podcast page - The Pain Bank
and it worked out... even though the rss feed incorrectly pointed to http://painbank.com on the next page. I then just hit the Add button and it submitted it and now shows as Not Approved Yet, but it shows all the right details now, including the rss page, which is
my RSS feed
and redirects to
my Feedburner RSS feed
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