This is my online presence and thoughts. Those that do not agree, need not apply.
relswick's Articles » Page 6
December 3, 2004 by relswick
Well I went firearm deer hunting in the great white north or at least the partially great white north around Grayling Michigan. It was my father and an uncle of my fathers. We hadn't been hunting in about 14 years and it was one hell of a pleasure! Ya we didn't get any, but considering we decided to go with less than 1 week before opening day and we went the last 4 days of the 15 day period in November, it turned out pretty damn nice. Went to the Casino in Traverse City one nigh...
December 2, 2004 by relswick
For those millions of users out there, who are buried in debt and don't understand why they can't get more credit cards or whatever, we all now have a way to fight back! No more paying for credit reports or waiting to get rejected for credit to apply for the free report, now the Federal Government is giving us our due and requiring the agencies to give us a free credit report once a year! Check it out:
November 16, 2004 by relswick
Back in college, I recall using Google and doing search on my own name. Come on now, you all have done it yourself before too! ' Well, back then I found out my name had a Cival War gravesite! I did it again recently and this time found my blogsite like the 4-5 link down!!!! I have only been using Joe User for about a month now and this is only my 3 article!
October 27, 2004 by relswick
Are you sick of the Democrats and Republicans? Are you sick of the Independents taking votes away from Kerry? well now, I have been told there are 45 different political parties in the US, of which I am way to lazy to do much research into. They are fighting for the leftovers at the table when it comes to the Presidential elections. What do you say we start another one up? One that is bigger and better than the rest? We can call it the Blog Party! Here is a link to the history of ...
October 27, 2004 by relswick
I will be using this to post info about upcoming events in my life, but mostly about my SCA experiences.