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History of Political Parties in America
Published on October 27, 2004 By relswick In Politics
Are you sick of the Democrats and Republicans? Are you sick of the Independents taking votes away from Kerry?

well now, I have been told there are 45 different political parties in the US, of which I am way to lazy to do much research into. They are fighting for the leftovers at the table when it comes to the Presidential elections. What do you say we start another one up? One that is bigger and better than the rest? We can call it the Blog Party!

Here is a link to the history of Political Parties in the US:

Seems the Democrats used to act like Republicans....

on Oct 27, 2004
First off I think theres more then 45 (far more actually) second off I'm in but I demand we merge with Pot Party (I think its called NORMAL but I could be wrong.)