As a recovering Democrat... I am interested to see the fall out of this one. John Edwards has dropped out of the race of the Democratic Nomination, so it is almost a given that there will be a woman or a black man as the Democratic Presidential Candidate. So, what does that mean? Well, we will find out one way or another if America is ready to move on into the future past it's history. I do not believe it will happen. Should Clinton win, then I believe she has a better chance o...
To me the Rebulican party is about Big Money, coporate and conservative. It is generaly considered (in my view and general) to be the white party. The Democrat party is about the Little man, the poor, the lower income or middle class. It is also generaly the party of those, who are Minority, such as black americans and hispanic. Of course I am white boy, so what the hell do I know? Anyway to my love of Irony: The Democratic party originally was the party of the Old South and the...
This was linked off the Libertarian party and the site may be inclined towards that party, but it is still a fun little quiz. Amazing how many can still turn out to be middle of the road though! Which is where I tend towards verse Libertarian, which I was lumped into. I answered middle of the road to most of them, since I didn't have a well formed oponion on some of those concepts.