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History again makes you scratch your head
Published on April 17, 2005 By relswick In US Domestic
To me the Rebulican party is about Big Money, coporate and conservative. It is generaly considered (in my view and general) to be the white party.

The Democrat party is about the Little man, the poor, the lower income or middle class. It is also generaly the party of those, who are Minority, such as black americans and hispanic.

Of course I am white boy, so what the hell do I know?

Anyway to my love of Irony:

The Democratic party originally was the party of the Old South and their aristocratic society of slavery. The Republican party's first elected president was Abraham Lincoln! Ironic?

"Learning is acquired by reading books; but the much more necessary learning, the knowledge of the world, is only to be acquired by reading men, and studying all the various editions of them." -Lord Chesterfield

on Jul 20, 2005
Ironic only if one accepts your crude and simplistic stereotypes at face value.

And speaking of stereotypes, aren't the liberals supposed to be the faction of love and tolerance and total rejection of stereotypes? How's that for irony?

I'm assuming you're a liberal of some kind, given your choice of a negative stereotype for the Republicans, and a positive stereotype for the Democrats.
on Jul 20, 2005
'm assuming you're a liberal of some kind, given your choice of a negative stereotype for the Republicans, and a positive stereotype for the Democrats

--And yet you are stereotyping by thinking he is a liberal (whether he his or not) because of actions of others who happen to be liberals