This comic is done by a friend of mine and she is an amazing arts. Her artwok as well as Erin Seigel's work on the comic make this a new and upcoming sensastion. It has a unique american style as well Kay is a fan of the old school style Art work that used be produced all the time by Disney. You can get a feel for the art style of the comics by checking out their site. Hope you Enjoy it and if you do, please stop back by here and let me know!
Well, I have recently started listening to Audio Books and so far they are the greatest thing to reducing Road Rage! I have listened to: The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown - very good. Poor Dad, Rich Dad - ok, but about money! The Golden Years by Gore Vidal - actually pretty poor, but interesting, when it gets into some history conspiracy theorys and related to how it used to be back in the day. I would like to hear from everyone what types they like and perhaps the best they have list...