Well, video games has correlated to a drop in violence, specifically among the youth. Of course I am sure at some point, someone will show in some fashion how it is related to something else, but for now, this post has done a great job of showing how statistically crime has fallen as video games have stepped up in prominence.
As to the religion is bad part of the post title, this article here has a great explaination of how the Islamic religion is flawed as a well as going into a pretty good explaination of why it might be. One item I like from it is the comparison of Islam as a "honor-based” religion and Christianity as a "dignity-based" religion.
There is also a reference to a book called The Clash of Civilizations which sounds like a very interesting read, so maybe one day I will have to pick it up. I am currently reading a pretty good book that gets into the historical transformations and origons of various popular religions and how they have affected society. I will post some thoughts up on that at some point. It is quite good, if for nothing else as an introduction to other religions and their basis of beliefs. One good comment from it, that Karl Marx was considered by some 'to be the last great Hebrew Prophet'. It is also amazing how many things track all the way back to the the Greeks. Will have to read up on Karl Marx some time in the future as well.