ever notice the more work they do, the more the will do in the future?
Is it that your teeth just continue to decay and nothing you can do will stop that once it starts? (warning, a slight rant ensues)
I recently had a existing cavity from way back (unkown amount of time go bad) and my existing root canal from about 8 years ago go bad, such that I had to have the root canal redone and the cavity filling redone.
This is pretty damn annoying!
The root canal had become slightly sensitive and the xray showed a bit of infection below the tooth, but how much is too much and how much is too little, which causes the root canal to be redone? Could I have waited a year, hell I don't know and the dentist did not offer any solutions. Of course I didn't ask too much as I have insurance and it can't be that bad... well 200 bucks later, boy I wish I would have known, I could have had increased my flexible spending for the year. Of course it also sucks that my insurance only covers about $1500 of costs for the year. Hell, I might as well just be paying for it myself and having the luxury of choosing my dentist instead of being directed, to get the coverage, who to go to for dental work.
The cavity filling , a chemical compound and not a almagram or whatever the hell the call it, (it was very sensitve to hot/cold) was worked on and turned out, it is a big one and therefore hard to get right, so I had to go back and get it redone... of course, this time I have a medical temperary cavity filling, which will be relaced in a month and then it should be all good. If it isn't, well a root canal and/or crown is in order and the costs goes up again.
Well, so cavity fillings and root canals go bad over time, so it appears most dental work will go bad in time and therefore the quality isn't the greatest (although I am sure hope it is better than it used to be and it probably is). WOW, what job security then!
So take care of your teeth kiddies, it pays for itself in the long run, since you don't have to pay as much!
Also ever notice sugar and caffine drinks tend to dye the teeth a very ugly yellowish color.... wonder if the whitening technologies out there for teeth also damage the teeth enamal, which I hear that once it is gone, it is gone forever... and therefore there are more costs involved...